Usage Statistics Information At Zero Page Wait

XML identifier: UsgStInfAtAZrPgWt

Purpose: Turns on/off informing user of usage statistics collection at “zero page wait” events. This means that the user will allways get this event when the app first times out because of no use, turning on screen saver, and then after some predefined time to go back to startup config on web pages, with language number 1.

Status: Currently in use.

Category: Single level

Related to: Screensaver timout in minutes, Zero content access reset timer

Usage: If on (true), will turn off showing usage statistics collection after a given predefined wait is over.

Development plans: Stable.

Default: True (on)

Example: Turning off usage statistics collection alert when not in use for extended time:



Document Revision: June 2020, rev. 1.0.