Home of RCS

Welcome to Royal Cloud Solutions – IoT and smart software

Our web pages have moved to One.com!

Royal Cloud Solutions has proudly provided the worlds first completely and utterly de-cluttered, remotely managed and per default locked down super-user-friendly supervised web content app/browser for over a year now, with 24x7x365 performance as witnessed by costomers, and that can be monitoried using the browsers heartbeat to verify it’s up and running. After initial release for iOS 13, the browser has been updated to iOS 14 and iOS 15, and is compatible with current iOS versions.

Please visit our product presentations, such as the short WAL suite presentation or delve directly into the getting started information.

About Us

Royal Cloud Solutions is dedicated to the development of IoT-related electronics and clever applications. As a virtual organization, we are always eager to get in touch with customers, developers and others, offering participation in the use and making of exiting new products. We are working in association with Royal Crowd Invest, Ltd.

Our job starts with you: understanding what you need, so we can offer you options that make sense.

Products and Services

Circuit board design, FPGA and other IoT-supporting electronic solutions is one of our fields of interest. Smart software such as the WAL-suite (TM) of iOS appliations is another, natively coded for Apple iOS (TM), with the first app ManagdWALplus now in Apples Appstore. Given sufficient interest from customers, applications for Android (TM) and Windows (TM) may be on the horizon as well.

New: The ManagdWALplus applicaton supporting remote management with optional keepalive supervision for kiosk mode and supporting even offline functionality in case of network unavailability is now available. This application supports per location tailorable content, with no-frills user interface. The free micraWAL application for locally managed kiosk mode displays of web and other linkabale content will follow suite in 2022. as well as the ManagdWAL which will be a less expensive scaled down version of ManagdWALplus.

As always, we’re happy to hear how we can best serve you.

Get in Touch

As a distributed and virtual company spanning several countries and continents, the Royal Cloud Solutions endorse and prefer virtual communication. Please get in touch with us using the contact form below, and we will open a direct channel to you as a most valued customer, with a dedicated Key Account Manager, often providing insight into your kind of operation (private, public, education etc.).

Send Us a Message

Copyright and trademark notices:

  • All trademarks are the properties of the respective trademark holders.
  • Text content illustrations (with exceptions) is the copyright of Royal Cloud Solutions – All rights reserved.
  • micraWAL, ManagdWAL and ManagdWALplus are trademarks of Royal Cloud Solutions.