Q: So what is the WAL suite – really?
A: The WAL suite is primarily intended for customers seeking a kiosk-mode web and local content (information and apps) launcher (all versions) supporting remote mangement and uptime/usage logging (ManagdWAL/ManagdWALplus). It is NOT aiming at being a general web browser, which it is NOT.
Q: What is the difference between a web browser and the WAL suite apps?
A: A web browser normally gives the user the opportunity to enter whatever web address wanted, and go there, opening new tabs for content requesting this. The WAL suite apps is designed to let the admin (information officer, in future releases even parent) be in control of what is accessible, and how it is presented to the user. The app can be left always-on, still consuming power by measures such as timer controlled screensaver . While an ordinary browser will never reset to whatever default pages defined, the app will – if the corresponding timer is defined.
Q: Who is it for?
A: The WAL suite is per now aiming squarely at the enterprise/venue organisations, schools, businesses and enterprises looking for a no-frills super easy to use web and local content (information and apps) launcher for information kiosks. Later we hope to make for individuals, families,
Q: Why was ManagdWALplus conceived of, in the first way?
A: A representative of a major educational institution approached us to hear if we could pitch a proposal that could solve their need to give secured and remotely controlled and supervised access to a mission critical web service, with offline functionality as well. This frutiful cooperation has led to a very exciting product, capitalizing both on Apples excellent development foundation as well as funtionality in EMM/MDM systems such as ManageEngine MDM and Micosoft Intune as well as standard logging tools such as Logstash, paired with optional scripts to mass-generate XML setup files and alert admins of downtime of the information kiosks when the app stops sending heartbeat logging messages.
Q: Can anyone contribute with suggestions and requirements to the development of the WAL suite?
A: Certainly, yes! Anyone may contact Royal Cloud Solutions with whatever suggestions you may have. Requirements from customers willing to participate in funding of deveopment will of course be prioritized, as long as they correlate well with the future development route of the WAL suite.
Q: How will the WAL suite be licensed?
A: ManagdWALplus will be priced per standard Apple terms, with rebates for educational institutions among others. ManagdWAL will follow the same licensing scheme as ManagdWALplus, but will be far cheaper while lacking some features. micraWAL will be free of charge.
Q: Are WAL suite licenses eternal?
A: Yes, as long as you are content with the version (currently 1), this will be yours to use. Future versions will be upgrades, and as such paid for.
Q: Will the WAL suite be available on other platforms than iPadOS/iOS?
A: At the time being, we will focus on iOS. However, given sufficient interest in porting the suite to Android, Windows etc., this will certainly be on the development plans for future releases, perhaps in late 2020/early 2021.
Q: What device management (EM/MDM/MAM/UEM) platforms will be supported for the ManagdWAL and ManagdWALplus platforms?
A: To start with, a robust and technically sound and stable basic functionality with ManageEngine MDM and Microsoft Intune will be prioritized, aiming to first provide a individual profile-push feature from Intune to ManagdWALplus, and later look into a tighter native Intune integration, given sufficient demand and the same for ManageEngine MDM. Other platforms that support XML configuration file push will also be supported out-of-the-box, as long as they conform to pertinent Apple XML EMM/MDM/MAM/UEM standards within the field.