
XML identifier: ZeroPageWait

Purpose: Controls the number of minutes in creensave before reverting to default pages with default language.

Status: Currently in use.

Category: Single level, timers.

Related to: Screensaver timout in minutes

Usage: Number of minutes of screensave before reverting to default pages and language, and clearing browsing history. If parameter set to 0 (zero), this timer will be disabled. If in use, adjust timer high enough to let the user work without unnecessary interruption of current browsing sessions even if screensave activates, and low enough to ensure that the next user is presented to the initial pages and default language.

Development plans: Stable.

Default: 5 minutes

Example: Revert to startup screen in 30 minutes after screensave kicks inaction, presuming that the screesave remains on (unit is not in active use) for 30 minutes:



Document Revision: April, 2020. rev. 0.1. Updated May, 2020, rev. 0.2.